
...and who's down

Snacks / Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Spend money to make money... Citigroup raised its minimum wage in the US to $15/hour. It's not doing it for smiles — with an ultra-competitive market for workers, it's upping paychecks to keep tellers from ditching for Bank of America (which pays $20/hour). We also learned that Panera Bread has 100% worker turnover — if it hired 100 sandwich-crafters, it'll lose 100 by the end of the year. Promotions cost money. Losing a worker costs more.

Your new farm-raised almond butter routine... is killing your childhood peanut butter go-to. Smucker's sales dropped 6% as grocery stores are stuck cutting peanut butter prices. The 122-year-old master of jelly, Jif, and UnCrustables (picture a PB&J dumpling) claims grocers face 2 problems: price pressure from Walmart/Amazon and taste buds preferring alt-nuts over peanuts.

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