
Crypto-mining rigs go on deep discount as the industry scrambles to respond to tech changes and soaring energy costs

Snacks / Thursday, September 22, 2022

Mining rigs hit rock bottom… prices. Bitmain, a major manufacturer of the computers that create new bitcoin, said it's slashing the cost of its machines. The fire sale comes as mining-rig prices have already tanked 70% this year. The issue: plunging BTC prices + surging electricity costs = lower profits for mining companies, which means lower demand for new equipment.

  • Stocked: As crypto prices climbed last year, miners rushed to preorder rigs from manufacturers like Bitmain and Canaan to lock in supply. Higher prices = higher incentive to mine.
  • Boxed: As mining costs rise and returns fall, analysts estimate there are up to 500K new rigs sitting in storage in the US alone (almost 40% of all computing power used to mine BTC is US-based).

Mining demand… caves in. The largest US publicly traded BTC miners had $1B in second-quarter losses this year. It's not just bitcoin: ethereum's Merge last week — from proof of work (energy-hungry) to proof of stake (efficient) — means ethereum miners and their expensive rigs are no longer needed. The result: the cost of GPUs for ETH mining fell off a cliff (BTC and ETH miners use different types of computers to unearth digital gold).

As crypto evolves, mining must follow… That’s why some ETH miners are leaving the biz altogether, repurposing their powerful machines for cloud computing and AI instead. On the BTC side, efforts like Bitmain's collab with mining giant Merkle Standard (think: jointly owned mining data centers) earlier this year could also show potential paths forward.

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