
Sperm-analyzing startup raises $5M — and health-tech investments are booming

Snacks / Friday, August 09, 2019

Self-driving, AI, Internet-of-Things, VR... Fertility. The ability to have babies is a market that VC money is finally flowing into. Polina Marinova's Term Sheet captured its momentum with just 3 numbers:

  • 475: That's the total number of women in the US who froze their eggs in 2009. Out of the entire country. Four hundred and seventy five.
  • 7,300: That's how many did in 2016. Big jump.
  • $102M: And that's how much venture capitalists have invested in fertility startups so far in 2019.

Just add guys... The fertility-tech industry is now expanding to target men, too. Legacy recently raised $1.5M and mail-order sperm-testing startup Dadi just added $5M. Here's how Dadi's going full "23&Me" on the male fertility market:

  • The issue: Dadi's website says 1/2 of all fertility challenges are on the man's side.
  • The value prop: Order the $99 kit and send back a sample. They'll evaluate your fertility percentile and suggest lifestyle changes to up the likelihood you'll be able to conceive.
  • The revenues: One-time sales are nice, but how do they get recurring money out of this? Subscriptions — $9.99/month keeps the sperm frozen as you age, so it's ready when you are.

"Brand-icorns" are emerging in health-tech... Not unicorns. Brand-icorns. Casper, Allbirds, or Away = digital-first startups that focus on branding, cut out middlemen, and hit $1B valuations. Now health-tech could lead the next wave of direct-to-consumer Brand-icorns. Balding and erectile dysfunction startup Roman is worth half-a-billion and rival Hims just passed the billion mark. Fertility could be up next.

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