
Google launches a Trump-endorsed COVID-19 screening website

Snacks / Monday, March 16, 2020

Wait, he said what?... Alphabet's reaction to Friday's press conference when President Trump talked up Project Baseline, Google's initiative to point people who are COVID-19-worried in the right direction. With the President's public support and the Google parent's huge tech and financial resources, Project Baseline could be big for diagnosing COVID-19:

  • The company: Verily is Alphabet's life sciences "Other Bet." It was created in Google's X Lab as a moonshot/save-the-world project. Now, it gets its big moment.
  • The goal: Screen people for COVID-19 by asking about symptoms, then pointing them in the right direction. If one user says "I have a belly ache," Project Baseline says it's not COVID-19. If another says "I have a fever and cough," it might suggest a local testing facility.
  • The catch: You need to login with a Google account and agree to share your data.
  • BTW: This only launched for the Bay Area yesterday — they'll need to increase capacity before expanding (not taking more appointments for now).

In South Korea and China, the authorities have apps tracking infected people... Verily isn't proposing that, but it insists on being able to share your data with authorities. Claaaassic Privacy vs. Security tradeoff. Giving Google your health data may seem scary, but letting COVID-19 spread is scarier.

This could be Google's opportunity to get into healthcare... America's personal health data literally sits in paper files in filing cabinets. That's painful for Google to see after indexing the entire internet. Project Baseline is Google's moment to capture health records on millions of Americans. And it's made other major health-data moves lately:

  • Google acquired Fitbit for $2.1B to get your pulse while you're running.
  • And Google invested in One Medical, the tech-forward healthcare chain that looks more like an Equinox gym than a doctor's office.

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